Marx Brothers

Marx Brothers

The only known photo of the entire surviving Marx family, c. 1915. From left: Groucho, Gummo, Minnie (mother), Zeppo, Sam (father), Chico, and Harpo.

Stage name / Birth name / Born / Died / Age /Death

Chico / Leonard Joseph / March 22, 1887 / October 11, 1961 /74 / Arteriosclerosis

Harpo / Adolph / November 23, 1888 / September 28, 1964 / 75 /Heart failure

Groucho / Julius Henry / October 2, 1890 / August 19, 1977 / 86 /Pneumonia

Gummo / Milton / October 23, 1892 / April 21, 1977 / 83 / Cerebral hemorrhage

Zeppo / Herbert Manfred / February 25, 1901 / November 30, 1979 / 78 / Lung cancer