Will I have Twins?- trivia

Will I have Twins?- trivia

If you are a granddaughter of a twin mom, chances are higher. If you are a grandson you have no higher chance of having twins yourself but your daughter has…
What is AM PM

What is AM PM

The acronyms "a.m." and "p.m." stand for "ante meridiem" and "post meridiem," respectively. "Ante meridiem" means "before noon," and "post meridiem" means "after noon." These terms are used to distinguish…
Diamond Trivia

Diamond Trivia

Here are ten interesting trivia items about diamonds: Some diamonds are over a billion years old, with the oldest diamonds being around 3.3 billion years old, almost as old as…
Frog Trivia

Frog Trivia

Here are 10 fun and interesting pieces of frog trivia: 1. Diverse Species: There are over 7,000 known species of frogs, making them one of the most diverse groups of…